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Are you ready to achieve
extraordinary things without the stress, anxiety and overwhelm?

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The Success Solution is your answer.

A four-month interactive program designed and led by Leadership Coach Debra Joy, to help you stop hustling and start honoring your unique strengths and natural pace. 

The result?
 You achieve great things in a way that finally feels good to you.
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You’re craving real results - minus the burnout.

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  • You achieve big goals, but you’re exhausted by the way you do it. The stress on you, and maybe even your family, is too high to keep going this way.
  • You keep thinking that after you achieve the next big goal things will change. You’ll be different then. You’ll have time. But, that time never comes.
  • You shy away from big goals because you’ve struggled in the past, but you’re sitting here right now with this underlying discontent because you know your life can be better than it is. You know you’re meant for more.
  • You see other people achieving great things - in your life or on social media. You don’t know how they do it and you wonder what’s wrong with you.
  • You’ve tried other goal achieving methods, but they don’t match who you are. You’ve never found a way that allows you to be your authentic self, with your own spirituality, beliefs, strengths and preferences and pace. 
  • You wonder if maybe you don’t deserve the success you desire, so you’ve learned to just be happy with what you have and stop dreaming.
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Can you relate?

Yup - me too.

Write your awesome label here.
Until my mid-30s I only knew how to achieve big goals by working like a maniac and burning myself out. I got really sick and completely gave up on all goals for a while. Now, I’ve found my sweet spot and am able to achieve big meaningful goals, make more money, and enjoy my life more by doing things in a very different way - a way that’s authentic for me and brings out the best in me.

The good news is - this transformation is available to you, too.

I’ve taught people from all walks of life how to discover their most authentic self and thrive as a result. And, I’m ready to help you do the same.

Work less. Stress less. Achieve more with The Success Solution.

Whether you’ve just started this journey or you’ve been on it for a while, The Success Solution will help you identify and release the unconscious thoughts, habits, and patterns that are keeping you stuck. Using a combination of the latest neuroscience principles and body-led practices, The Success Solution helps you reprogram your way of being so you can achieve the things you most want in a way that honors and supports your truest self.

By the end of the program, you’ll have:
  • An understanding of your unique strengths, style, and preferences and how to use them to bring out the best in yourself and in others
  • A personal framework that empowers you to live and work in a way that fuels you, rather than depletes you
  • The clarity and confidence you need to make a meaningful impact 
Write your awesome label here.
Michelle Johnston
Founder of Working Well
At first, I wondered if The Success Solution would work for me. I heard it had worked for others, but I wondered, "Could it really help me realize my goals?" Well, I doubled my revenue, and I've been in business for 20 years so that's saying a lot. I feel like I have learned so much about how I work and what my priorities are. The program has given me a new foundation from which to operate and it feels like I can do anything I set my mind to now. I'm enjoying my work so much more and I'm making progress toward my bigger goal every day. It's been such a fun journey and I'm so appreciative for all that I have learned. 
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How it works

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The Success Solution teaches you a step-by-step system backed by the latest in neuroscience research and informed by powerful somatic healing principles. Each module of the program is expertly designed to help you release unconscious blocks that are holding you back and reconnect with your truest self.

Designed to deliver a completely tailored experience, The Success Solution allows you to adapt the system to your individual needs, desires, and pace. Plus, you’ll receive ongoing support, including live group coaching calls with Debra, to guide you to success.

Upon completing The Success Solution, you will have established new habits that support who you want to be and what you want to achieve. And, best of all, you’ll be able to apply the tools and practices you learn within the program to any situation - anytime, anywhere, for life.
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Inside The Success Solution, you’ll receive
step-by-step training on how to:

Set goals that work for you

  • Get clear on what goals you want to achieve and why
  • Develop strong habits to help you achieve your goal
  • Master your mindset to become who you want to be

Identify your sweet spot

  • Discover your power place - that sweet spot of what you do well and love to do
  • Learn how to say NO (with confidence) to the things that bog you down
  • Spend more time doing what you love and what people love you for

Accomplish more by doing less

  • Take back control of your days
  • Learn how to focus on your next best step
  • Tune in to your inner knowing and allow it to guide you

Optimize your performance

  • Increase focus and creativity on command
  • Reduce stress and performance fatigue
  • Make consistent progress without burning out

Pursue your life's purpose

  • Get clear on what motivates you from a foundational level
  • Align your goals with your greater life purpose
  • Develop practices to keep you aligned with your purpose moment-to-moment

Access inner peace

  • Shift out of stress and into presence at any time
  • Learn how to stop worry in its tracks
  • Build resilience and become better equipped to handle life’s challenges
Transformation is putting it lightly. In 6 months, this system changed the way I approach my life and the way I work. I'm more productive, calm, and resilient. I treat myself better. Most importantly, I created the space in my life for love. 

Kate Donnelly
Head of Physical Production, Buzzfeed

Elizabeth Grojean
Founder of Balooliving

Working with Debra changed my life. In four months of coaching I paid off $10,000 in debt and had a savings account for the first time in my life. She helped me see what I really wanted out of my career. I now have a free schedule. I can work from home and travel. I went to South America, Europe and Texas over the course of our work together. In the past I'd only had two weeks vacation. It was life altering to have travel become part of my work and how I live.

Learn from a coach who has been there, done that, and has helped others do the same

For over a decade, Debra Joy has been coaching executives, entrepreneurs, activists, and artists to achieve big goals in ways they never dreamed possible.
She has co-founded a business that was sold, a business that went public, and a business that went nowhere. She's been a pioneer in socially and environmentally progressive businesses and non-profits, creating inclusive cultures, while leading teams to successful outcomes.

Debra has a Masters in Leadership and Training, is a certified Yoga instructor, and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. She developed The Success Solution system by blending her personal experiences, and those of her clients, with the latest neuroscience research to offer you a way to work less, stress less and achieve more. She applies the best of adult learning to make this system simple but deep, fun, and profound – something that will stick with you for life.
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Coaching with Debra lifted my anxiety, a product of the chaos of busy-ness with little effectiveness. She was able to help me focus my time and discover my best work, which I think for most, also happens to be what you most like to do.

CEO, Catalyst Community Development

Sometimes we could all use an outsider’s perspective to put things into context. Debra was always there to give that context. I could always count on her to break down the biggest decisions into the simplest most bite-sized pieces, and to help me make small moves along the way to achieving a larger goal.

Glenn Howerton
Actor, Writer

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When you enroll in The Success Solution
you’ll get access to:

12 modules 
featuring fun and engaging video lessons that will help you transform the way you set and achieve goals

16 live group
coaching calls

with Debra, during which you can get all of your questions answered

Members' Room

where you'll connect with Debra and other students to get the support you need right now

Weekly tips & guidance from Debra 
to guide you to the next stage of your journey

12 downloadable workbooks

to help you take what you learn and put it into action

Personal journals
that evolve with the program to plan and track your progress

Additional support
through an optional accountability partner to help you stay motivated and moving forward.

4 months of support
to instill habits and move through obstacles

Proven practices you can use for a lifetime
for more success with less stress


Lifetime access to course curriculum

including any future course enhancements, giving participants plenty of time to learn, apply lessons, and revisit as needed now and into the future

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The Success Solution 
system adapts to your individual needs, desires, and pace
, integrating self exploration and embodiment with practical performance tools so you can be successful in your own way and on your own terms.
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It's perfect for you if:

  • You know you’re meant for more, but you don’t know what that looks like or how to get there.
  • You want to be successful on your terms. The process has to honor your personality, spirituality, life circumstances, and natural pace. True success is authentic.
  • You want to accomplish big things, but the way you've achieved success so takes a toll on your health and relationships. Something has to change.
  • You want to be present and enjoy life now, while creating a better future.
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It's not for you if:

  • You don’t want to risk doing things differently. You're comfortable right where you are.
  • Your goals are primarily about health or weight loss. Great goals, but this system is for people who want to expand their potential, answer their calling, and fulfill their purpose.
  • You’re looking for a quick fix. The Success Solution is a powerful system for transformation - but, it does require you to be an active participant and apply yourself to the process.
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The Success Solution has transformed me in so many ways. I’ve turned my mornings from reactive to creative, making me so much calmer and more productive. I’ve built habits that support who I want to become as well as what I want to achieve. I’ve learned so much about my brain chemistry - how it works and how it affects my choices - and have used that to support my success. And, I’ve learned that self-care is actually good for my business! Deb has created a course that is inclusive and applicable to many, yet feels so tailored to fit me as an individual. Something that is not easy for an online program, but that Deb has done so well!

Michelle McMasters

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Imagine where you could be
four months from now…

"Before working with Debra I knew the kind of life I wanted to create for myself but I didn’t believe I could actually achieve it. I was dealing with chronic fatigue, working long hours and was feeling incredibly lost about how I could possibly start my own business at the age of 23. I honestly had no idea how I would be able to make any of it happen. We worked on the small steps, the little moves I can take right now that will help me reach my larger goals. We dug deep to find where my roadblocks were coming from and we worked on healing my nervous system from years of trauma and stress. I am a lot happier, my chronic fatigue has improved dramatically, I have grown such enthusiasm and excitement for working on my business that no goal seems too out of reach for me anymore. I can’t possibly imagine where I would be today if I didn’t make the amazing decision to invest in myself and my dreams through working with Debra."
Megan Mieta
"In the first weeks of our 12 weeks working together, we took a structured approach to finding my purpose. With Deb’s guidance, I was able to both clarify what was important for me in my life and get closer to my dream than I had ever done before and I ever believed was possible. I will be forever grateful to Deb for all she has helped me find in my life."
Gil Yaron
"I've worked with other coaches and sought so many tools for change over the years and none of it has brought me to the place that Debra did. She is unlike any other coach I've ever encountered. Our work is bringing me to a level of internal integration that I've only ever dreamed of and deeply healing the relationship between my body and mind. The focus, love, and energy that she holds for you create such an incredible space for exploration, insight and realization. Her ability to sherpa you through the tangled and sometimes stormy pathways of your inner world while keeping the journey on track is, frankly, both startling and priceless."
Sarah Feidt
Senior Information Communications Strategist, Apple

The Success Solution empowers change on a cellular level, allowing you to experience greater transformation, faster.

The program starts on February 29th.
Save your spot now!

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4 monthly payments of 


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Single payment of


You’ve spent years doing the same thing -
pushing hard and working hard - only to get the same results. 

You know you’re made for more, and so do I.

It’s time to start living from your power place.